Social Media & Socialization Agents Influence on Consumer’s Purchasing Behavior


Volume 5 Issue 1 2024


Rida Nasim Butt (Corresponding Author)
School of Media and Communication Studies, UMT

Noshina Saleem
School of Communication Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore

Abstract Social media is an important tool that has gained importance among researchers and marketers. People communicate with friends and family and collect and search information about brands through this platform. This research has analyzed the influence of social media sites and socialization agents on consumer purchasing behavior. The researcher applied social learning theory as a theoretical framework to the current research. Data was collected through convenient sampling with 400 sample sizes and respondents were from various leading universities of Lahore. The quantitative method with a survey method questionnaire tool has been used with an already-built scale from previous literature. The study explored the socialization agents that impact consumers' purchase intentions to buy certain brands compared to social media. Pearson correlation was used to analyze and draw inferences from data. The study's findings revealed that social media usage is not correlated with participant’s purchasing behavior. However, socialization agents influenced their purchasing behavior moderately. The current study can help consumers, marketing groups, and different brands for making new strategies in marketing to influence consumption behavior of people.
Keywords Social media, socialization agents (Peer group, family, advertisement, Facebook communities/pages), consumer purchasing behavior.
Year 2024
Volume 5
Issue 1
Type Research paper, manuscript, article
Journal Name Journal of Media & Communication (JMC)
Publisher Name ILMA University
Jel Classification -
DOI --
ISSN no (P, PRINT) 2707-8906
ISSN no (E, Electronic) 2788-8304
Country Pakistan
City Karachi
Institution Type University
Discipline Media, Advertising, Social Science, Multidisciplinary
Journal Type Open Access
Manuscript Processing Blind Peer Reviewed
Format PDF
Paper Link
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